定住外国人の現状と地域コミュニティの課題 --秋田県羽後町の外国人妻に関する聞きとり調査を事例にして--
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to consider the transformation of local community and its pressingproblems through the relations between rural community and resident foreigners, especially foreignwives, on the basis of the case-study of a rural town in the southern part of Akita prefecture: Ugo Town.In rural community there is the problem of depopulation, especially shortage of labor and unmarriedwomen, which is quite different from urban community.The population of foreigners in Akita prefecture is 4,648 and 50.1%of it is Chinese. There live 110foreigners, including 41 foreigners who have the resident status as 'the wife of Japanese' in Ugo Town(according to 2003 statistics). This paper shows that the different processes how to come to Japancauses the segregation within the same ethnicity, and foreign wives have different problems in everydaylife depending on the relationship with their families, the degree of proficiency of Japanese, the ageof their children.As a forward-looking agenda on the local community. this paper also suggests the importance ofmulti-cultural education.
- 2004-03-31
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