開発独裁体制の下における成長と矛盾 : 中華人民共和国のケース
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Over the last two decades or so, the People's Republic of China has sustained very high economic growth rates. China is now a significant international factor for Japan's economic performance, given that Japan's bilateral trade with China has surpassed that with the United States, at least in volume.This study analyzes the widening multifaceted structural imbalances and other contradictions that have resulted from China's unidimensional growth, with a major focus on domestic and international political challenges that have been posed to the developmental dictatorship under the Chinese Communist Party. This analysis is followed by a preliminary discussion on the durability of the current regime under deepening socio-economic contradictions, and on its external policies, in the light of these two variables' dynamic interactions.Through the editing and translation of a series of this author's op-ed essays, published in English elsewhere, this work will take an interdisciplinary, comprehensive approach to the contemporary Chinese political economy, including many important issues such as Taiwan independence/unification and Japan's history debate.
- 2008-06-20
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