国際人口移動と教育 : ニューカマーとの関連で(<特集>人口変動と教育改革)
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With globalization, the number of people migrating internationally has increased considerably. This phenomenon is also evident in Japan. For example, in the past five to six years the number of newcomer migrants to areas such as Aichi prefecture has surpassed the number of foreign residents living in areas such as Osaka that have long traditions of attracting migrants. These changes in migration patterns have created new challenges for Japan's education system. This paper considers these challenges by addressing the following questions: Has the Japanese Ministry of Education developed an adequate education policy to accommodate children of different ethnic backgrounds? While it appears evident that the Fundamental Law of Education must be revised, does the Japanese government comprehend the changes that have occurred in local environments, the household, and schools to the extent needed to enact useful change? In this paper, the author addresses these issues by considering various educational challenges that global migration has brought to Japan.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2008-06-15
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- 「多文化共生」社会における教育のありかた
- 国際人口移動と教育 : ニューカマーとの関連で(人口変動と教育改革)
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- Japanese Society and Foreign Workers
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