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Recently, the study of M. Weber seems to have changed very much. Until recently Weber seemed to be a champion of modernization. Nowadays, however, he is regarded as a person who criticised modernization. My aim in this paper is to prove that the central problem of Weber's sociology is the attempt to analyze the "depersonalization" of modern society. This paper consists of two parts. The first one considers the problems of the "sociology of domination" and "depersonalization. " The second examines the relation between "religious sociology" and "depersonalization. " We will probably be able to approach the Weber-Marx problem from a new point of view by making clear Weber's concept of "depersonalization. " Whenever we talk about "depersonalization, " we usually think about only Marx, but it is a very important problem in Weber's sociological studies as well. Therefore, my purpose in this paper is to make clear the concept of "depersonalization" in Weber's sociology in relation to Marx's concept.
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