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The previous studies on life history of white croaker, Pennahia argentata, suggested that three stocks, comprising of Ariake Bay-Tachibana Bay, the Goto Sea and Omura Bay, may exist in the coastal areas of Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. In this study, prevalence and abundance of a parasite species (Cestoda) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were used to confirm the stock structure of P. argentata in these areas. Based on prevalence and abundance of Cestoda, study areas were grouped into three: Ariake Bay-Tachibana Bay, the Goto Sea and Omura Bay. Two regions of mtDNA (l6SrRNA and D-loop) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR.), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses were used for the genetic stock study. Of the ten restriction enzymes assayed for 16SrRNA, only three showed multiple restriction patterns with low variation. On the other hand, of the three restriction enzymes assayed for D-loop, all showed twothree multiple restriction patterns and nine haplotypes were determined. Haplotype diversity for each population varied from 0.484 to 0.698. The genetic distances divided four localities into two groups (Ariake Bay-Tachibana Bay and Omura Bay-the Goto Sea). It is needed to further examine the population of the Goto Sea whose sample size was small compared to other localities. The present results supported the previously estimated stock structure of p, argentata in the coastal areas of Nagasaki Prefecture estimated based on life history studies.
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