94(P-4) LC-MS/NMRの天然有機化合物構造解析への応用(ポスター発表の部)
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LC-MS and LC-NMR are complementary systems in structural analysis. Combining these two results in LC-MS-NMR, a method capable of speedy structural analysis of complex mixtures in a wide range of applications. We connected LC-MS and LC-NMR systems on-line, and tested its functions. In case of STOP&FLOW experiment, start signal for LC-NMR system is required. On this study, We utilized MS information for UV silent compounds such as saccharide instead of a UV detector, which is commonly used. In the case of STOP&FLOW method, high selectivity analysis was carried out by using a total ion chromatogram(TIC) from linked scan measurement (neutral loss scan). JEOL JNM-ECP 500MHz NMR spectrometer fitted with a Nalorac LCIDG500-60μl VJ probe, JEOL JMS-LCmate (magnetic sector-type mass spectrometer) and a Shimadzu 10Avp HPLC system were used. The LC-MS-NMR system which has the splitter for dividing the solution to mass spectrometer and NMR spectrometer after passing through the UV detector. A static mixer was located before the mass spectrometer to mix MeOH or H_2O to the sample solution for reverse deuterium-proton exchange. UV-silent compounds were analyzed by using stop-flow mode with MS signal as a trigger. A LC-MS-NMR system was designed, and used to analyze a number of compounds. Analysis of a sugar mixture in LC-MS-NMR simultaneously provided NMR and MS data, suggesting that the system is effective for speedy structural analysis. In case of UV-silent compounds such as sugar mixture, We have confirmed it is possible to measure NMR spectrum using the mass chromatogram trigger. The catechins in green tea was selectively detected by using stop and flow method with TIC from neutral loss scan measurement. The results demonstrate that Neutral loss scan data acquired in MS from the target compounds in mixture can be analyzed by the STOP&FLOW method, suggesting that LC-MS-NMR will expand the range of applications.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2000-10-01
樋口 哲夫
藤本 孝子
森田 徹一郎
高橋 豊
藤井 直之
樋口 哲夫
樋口 哲夫
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