617 ポンプシールから発生する水流卓越音の制御
- 論文の詳細を見る
Hydrodynamic tones are radiated from water pumps in some operating condition and the cause of these tone are generated by the self-excited unsteady flow crossing the annular or screw grooves of pump seals. Characteristics of these tone from the annular grooves of seals were experimentally studied by using the test stand for measuring the rotor-dynamics of seals and lubricate bearings with support of the active magnetic bearing. It was made clear that the groove size, the leak flow velocity, the length of seal changed tone frequencies and intensity. The results of study suggest that some acoustic resonance phenomena dominate the generation of the self-excited tone from seal flows. The groove depth, the groove width, the shape of groove entrance and the shaft eccentricity do not have any direct relations to the resonance condition.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-09-16
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- 625 ポンプ水路系で発生した複雑な脈動と振動現象