表面粗さと粘度の圧力依存性を含むエンジン軸受の弾性流体潤滑 : 摩擦損失の計算(機械要素,潤滑,工作,生産管理など)
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In this study, Patir and Cheng's surface roughness model is introduced in a mass conserving elastohydrodynamic lubrication model of a dynamically loaded journal bearing and described consistent with the model of regular striations. The lubrication model is based on a modified Elrod's cavitation algorithm and pressure effect on viscosity is expressed by Barus's equation. The model was applied to a con-rod big-end bearing of an engine and the effect of surface texture, roughness and striations, on friction power loss was calculated. The friction power loss of the bearing with circumferential striations is the lowest and is as much as that of the bearing with a smooth surface. The friction power loss of the bearing with transversal striations is the highest. The friction power losses of the bearing with the surface roughness take the value between them according to directional ratio. The results also showed the pressure effect on viscosity plays an important role in the friction power loss.
- 2008-04-25
- 3159 ジャーナル軸受実験装置による回転体の振動と軸受摩擦の測定(S35-3 機械要素の設計・製造・応用技術(3) 軸受及びしゅう動要素の特性,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
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- 大阪電気通信大学 原動機(小笹)研究室
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