645 圧電アクチュエータによるエネルギー回生振動制御に関する研究
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Energy consumption to drive actuator is thought as a disadvantage of active vibration control. However, the actuator of active vibration control system absorbs energy from vibrating structure to suppress the vibration. In other words, the actuator regenerates energy from the vibrating structure. Especially, piezoelectric actuator can regenerate energy effectively, because it has few internal energy loss. In this paper, energy consumption of SDOF model with piezoelectiric actuator and feedback control is investigated as an example and it is shown that energy consumption is not caused by the actuator but caused by energy loss of conventional linear amplifier to drive the actuator. Recently, class D amplifier based on switching circuit has been utilized due to its high-efficiency. It can drive the actuator with few energy loss. Therefore, the energy regenerative active vibration control system can be realized by using the class D amplifier to drive the actuator. The validity of the system is shown by numerical simulation.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-09-25
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