- 論文の詳細を見る
Multi-element neutron activation analysis method was applied to the determination of metallic foreign bodies which penetrated into the eyes of workers while engaged in grinding and cutting work. A total of 23 small pieces ranging in size from 1 to 10^2 mg were surgically obtained and then analyzed non-destructively with only simple washing treatment. The components of 21 samples were mainly iron and the others were hard pieces of wolfram compound. Elements determined in samples over one weight percent were iron, manganese, chromium, wolfram, and cobalt. All the samples were divided into five classes according to their own elemental composition. It was considered that foreign bodies were composed of carbon steel, alloyed steel, and tungsten carbide. These results are regarded to be useful in studying the mechanism of accidents and their effects on eyes.
- 1988-11-20
木村 肇二郎
木村 肇二郎
野村 昌弘
慶応大 医
大歳 恒彦
野村 昌弘
大歳 恒彦
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