循環血液量に關する研究 第2編 : 腸チフス・パラチフス患者の循環血液量に對する二三薬物の影響に就て
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Observations made of the influence upon the blood volume of various cardio-tonics injected during the feverish course in typhoid and paratyphoid cases have proved that : (1). Total blood volume generally decreases 40-60 minutes after intravenous injection of 5.0cc of Digitamin, or, 30-40 minutes after intravenous injection of 0.13-0.075mg of Uabanin (g-Strophantin), and, the effectiveness by the latter is found especially much distinct. (2). Tatal blood volume is found increased as a rule 20-30 minutes after subcutaneous injection of 4.0cc of Spiramin, which does, however, cause it decreased on the contrary when the total blood volume has unusually been on the actual increase beforehands.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1951-01-20
- 266) 諸疾患に於ける水分の分布に關する研究(續報)(第18回日本循環器學會總會)
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- 循環血液量に關する研究 第2編 : 腸チフス・パラチフス患者の循環血液量に對する二三薬物の影響に就て
- 循環血液量に關する研究(第1編) : 腸チフス・パラチフス患者に於ける循環血液量
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