馬杉腎炎に於けるアレルギーの問題に就いて : 第3報 家兎腎動脈に抗腎血清を注射せる場合
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When nephrotoxin is injected into a one side of the renal artery of the rabbits, changes appear in urine soon after the injection during 1-2 days, and changes begin to appear again remarkably from about one week later with rising of the blood pressure. Therfore the changes in urine occur biphasically. When nehrotoxin is let to work abundantly on the kidney, the antibody in the nophrotoxin works on it abundantly, causes the anti-anaphylaxis at once and shows the changes in urine. In the case of the Masugi-nephritis of the rabbits into which nephrotoxin is injected intravenously, small amount of antibody cannot occur remarkably enough to show changes in urine. The conclusion is, according to the authors opinion, that in the case of the Masugi-nephritis no changes in urine appear during the period of the incubation.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1949-05-20
- 馬杉腎炎に於けるアレルギーの問題に就いて : 第5報 病理組織學的變化に就いて
- 馬杉腎炎に於けるアレルギーの問題に就いて : 第4報 幼小家兎に大量の抗腎血清を注射せる場合
- 馬杉腎炎に於けるアレルギーの問題に就いて : 第3報 家兎腎動脈に抗腎血清を注射せる場合
- 馬杉腎炎に於けるアレルギーの問題に就いて : 第2報 抗腎血清に因る腎炎の治癒せる家兎に於ける場合
- 馬杉腎炎に於けるアレルギーの問題に就いて : 第1報 健常家鴨血清にて感作せる家兎に於ける場合