小学校児童の健康規定要因に関する分析的検討 : 遊び場, 友人, 教師, に着目して
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In order to investigate the actual situations of psychosomatic health and related stress factors, we conducted the questionnaire surveys, and participated in observations for children on school life including classes and break times, cleaning times. As the result of these analyses, main findings were a follows ; 1) the psychosomatic condition (GHQ-score) of present sample was medium level in comparison with other Japane e amples, 2) most dimensional stress factor was "the teacher"child relationship", second factor and third factor were "unpleasant to friends" "anxiety about friendship", respectively, and, the amount of variance explanation seem to be sufficient level, 3) the remarkable correlations were not observe among GHQ score , daily school stressors and lifestyle factors, in each property, 4) the circumstance of children on a playground in school seems to be contribute to frequencies and levels of school stressors among children. These suggested that a playground in school is notable health behavior factor, therefore, we should be consider the actual situations of play and playground in break time, as a part of total health promotion.
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