1889 : Ein Querschnitt durch die deutsche Literatur um die Jahrhundertwende - hinsichtlich der Grundung der Freien Buhne von Otto Brahm
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Besides the premiere of Hauptmanns "Vor Sonnenaufgang" in 1889 the foundation of "Freie Buhne", the exclusive theater party, by theatrical critic Otto Brahm in the same year means a lot to the German naturalism whose substance is vague in comparison with the French one. Brahm did not emphasize the German spirit more than necessary like other contemporary rising new men of letters-Conrad, the Halt brothers, Conradi, etc.-, and adopted willingly the original foreign dramas into the repertoire of "Freie Buhne". And founding the literally magazine of the same name "Frei Buhne fur Modernes Leben" in concert with a Publisher S. Fischer at the same time, he attempted to establish a modern relationship between journalism and literature. Thus the extremly stagnant German literature of those days received a severe shock by his introduction of the foreign natura-listic dramas, which led up to a hot discussion on the German naturalism. In this sense Brahm should be interpreted as a "creative destroyer" and the year 1889 as a "year of revolution" for the German literature a century after the French Revolution.
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