アメリカ政治におけるジェンダー・ファクター : 選挙政治にみるジェンダー効果
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Since the late 1980s, more and more attention has been paid to gender as factor in electoral politics in the United States. Studies have shown that women and men differ in their policy preferences, policy priorities, candidate choices and so on. Thus in order to best represent women's interest in politics, more women run for political offices and more women activists and voters work hard for their electoral successes, although women have not yet achieved political parity with men. This paper explores how women as candidates, activists and voters could affect American politics through the electoral processes. The "gender effect," both positive and negative, is explored focusing on the past three elections of 1992, 94 and 96, and this paper explains why elections in the 1990s are "gendered," and how the so-called "gender gap" has come to have significance in American politics.
- 北翔大学の論文
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- アメリカ合衆国における福祉政策と女性のリーダーシップ
- 北海道の知事選挙 女性知事の選出とそのインパクト
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- アメリカ政治におけるジェンダー・ファクター : 選挙政治にみるジェンダー効果
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