児童虐待について(第1報) : 新聞紙上で見る児童虐待の実態
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現在、児童虐待を防止するために、厚生労働省をはじめ、児童相談所や保健福祉センターなどの行政機関が中心となり、さまざまな職種と連携しながら様々な取り組みが行われている。しかし、児童相談所や警察に児童虐待として相談、通報された時点では、すでに手遅れであった事例があるといっても過言ではない。児童虐待に関しては、その主たる虐待者は実母が最も多いという報告があるが、その詳細については必ずしも明らかにされていない。今回の研究では、新聞紙上に掲載された児童虐待事件の実態について報告する。In order to elucidate the state of child abuse, we evaluated the 135 cases of it, which had got into the newspapers during 12 years from 1995 to 2006. The results are shown in below. 1) Recently, a child abuse has a tendency to increase in such a large city as Osaka, since the law for prevention of it was enforced in Japan.2) The 60.3% of the 151 abused children was less than three years old.3) The 61.1% of child abuse was caused by their parents, especially their mothers.4) The 85.6% of 151 abused children was due to physical abuse, and the 42.5% of 181 adults who treated children cruelly were out of work. 5) The 40.0% of a matter of child abuse were informed from hospitals to the police.6) The 48.3% of 151 abused children resulted in death.It was suggested from the above described results that it may be necessary to promote the attachment between mother and child, or, father and son, from early pregnancy. This means that the midwives must to play an important part in the prevention of a child abuse, because they engaged in the medical treatments of pregnant women from early pregnancy.
- 熊本大学の論文
- 2008-02-29
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