信斎李令翊と椒園李忠翊 : 初期江華学派における陽明学受容
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Jeong In-po (鄭寅普) classified Korean Yang-ming School (陽明学派) into three groups. Yi Yeong-ik (李令翊; penname Sinjae信斎) and Yi Chung-ik (李忠翊; Chowon椒園)were classified as the Class 2. The Class 2 consists of people who left the words of criticism against Yang-ming Studies, but those words were false and in fact they were faithful believer of Yang-ming Studies. However, this analysis of Jeong is partially questionable. Yi Yeong-ik did not hide that he was a student of Yang-ming Studies. On the contrary, he described deep self-examination on Yang-ming Studies as one of the followers. Therefore, his words of criticism on Yang-ming Studies were not the false words to avoid trouble, but should be accepted as described. In case of Yi Chung-ik, it is certain that he enthusiastically believed in Yang-ming Studies for some time at least, according to the study on remaining documents. Jeong analyzed it was a lie that Yi Chung-ik saying that he turned himself against Yang-ming Studies following Yi Yeong-ik's advice in later day. However, this analysis of Jeong lacks the first documents to base on. It is better to postpone if this analysis was true or not.
- 信斎李令翊と椒園李忠翊 : 初期江華学派における陽明学受容
- 『朱子語類』巻一四〜一八 訳注(二)
- 『朱子語類』巻一四〜一八訳注(一)
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- 4 思想・儀礼研究班 東アジアにおける儒教儀礼の研究(平成17〜18年度東西学術研究所研究報告書)
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- 『朱子語類』巻一四〜一八 訳注(四)
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- 徐階研究
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- 『朱子語類』巻一四〜一八 訳注(五)