大足宝頂山石刻の思想史的考察 : 父母恩重経変図と大方便仏報恩経変図をめぐって
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There are many caves in such mountains as Da-ding-shan, Bei-shan etc. in Da-zu-xian, Si-chuan-sheng, China. This article aims to clarify the historical background of the opinions about the carvings of the legends of the Fu-mu-en-chong Sutra and the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra in the stone carvings of Bao-ding-shan. The carving of the Fu-mu-en-chong Sutra is a stone carving of the legend based on that Sutra, and that of the Da-fang-bian-fo-en Sutra is the carving based on the Sutra of that name. The former carving is based on the Dun-huang style songs such as Shi-en-de, Shi-zheng-yuan, and Xiao-shun-yue. The background to the opinions is, however, a sutra-expounding of Fu-mu-en-de, Shi-zheng-yuan, Xiao-shun-yue etc. The background of thoughts is, however, a sutra-expounding of the Fu-mu-en-chong Sutra (Dun-huang version). The song of Shi-en-de and others based on the sutra-expounding of the Fu-mu-en-chong Sutra which had been popular during the late Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty were accepted to be a praising of the idea of filial piety by the people, and were put in solid from as the carving of the Fu-mu-en-chong Sutra of Da-ding-shan stone carving. At the same time, the carving of the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra seems to have been based on the passages of the sutra-expounding of the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra. It can be assumed that the sutra-expounding of the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra existed in the Song Dynasty comparing the carved passages of Da-ding-shan stone carving with those of the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra, since the carved passages of Da-ding-shan stone carving are made out through the complete extracts from the original passages of the Da-fang-bian-fo-bao-en Sutra. It is due to the Buddhist idea of filial piety which had become thoroughly familiar to the people during the late Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty that two of the legend carvings which praise the Buddhist idea of filial piety were carved. It seems that the main basis for the Buddhist idea of filial piety is the prevalence of the two Sutras above and the Ullambana Sutra.
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