明治34-35年の神奈川県下の農村における住環境と家財道具 : 神奈川縣農会による村是調査書を中心に
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In 1901-2 (Meiji 34-5), four farming village development studies, including the "Study of the Development of Toyoda Village in Naka-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture" which were published by the Agricultural Society of Kanagawa Prefecture (nokai), are valuable references describing the details of the status of farming villages and farmers at that time. Based on these materials, a clear idea of the lifestyles of farming villages and their farmers in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1901-2 has been established. In addition, a comparison with farmers in 1698 (Genroku 11) in Hirokawa Village, which is adjacent to Toyoda Village, was also conducted. 1. The average floorspace of the main building of a farmhouse in the Genroku period (1698) was 53m^2 and gradually increased to 100m^2 by the end of the Edo period (bakumatsu), but decreased to 83m^2 during the Meiji period due to an increase in the number of farms. 2. In farming village is in 1901-2 in Kanagawa Prefecture, a typical farm consisted of, in addition to a 25tsubo main area, such extra buildings as an ash house, a storage house, and a lavatory with a diverse range of household effects used by the farmers to carry out their dairy lives.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
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