「気になる」子どもに関する研究 : 短大生がとらえた「気になる」子どもの調査分析
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The purpose of this research is to distinguish the characteristic features of so-called "difficult children" observed by junior college students while participating in their teaching practicum at preschools. This study also acts as a good foundation for training the junior college students to better study and understand some of the developmental disabilities of the preschool-aged child. In order to do this, a questionnaire survey was made after the practice teaching was completed. From a total of 105 answers, 71%, admitted to the existence of "difficult children." In addition, the content of 265 items was analyzed, and then difficult behavior was categorized into 7 areas hereby called "action" "group activity" "interpersonal relationships", "language", "bodily impairment", "daily activities", and "character." Results showed a similarity in 65% of all the items to the behavioral features of slightly disabled children. To teach the college students more about the behavioral features of difficult children, it is necessary to make a checklist of the problems observed by the students. Based on this research, the students can acquire skills and methods, which can help them to understand as well as support "difficult children."
- 盛岡大学の論文
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- PE37 知的障害養護学校における教師の指導態度に関する研究 : 教師のAD指導態度の自己評価
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