- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper analyzes the results of a survey on the "English Activities" program in Miyagi Prefecture. The survey was conducted from October to December of 2005 in all public elementary schools in Miyagi Prefecture to which three-hundred and fifty-four schools (about seventy-six percent of the total number) responded. Objectives and contents of English instruction at their schools were asked about as well as problems they are currently facing in the respective practices. The analysis revealed that although English instruction is carried out in eighty-seven percent of public elementary schools that reported their cases in the survey, their practice has not necessarily developed smoothly. Many schools are still struggling with multiple problems such as designing curriculum, finding time to prepare for the English lessons as well as to improve knowledge and skills of individual teachers regarding English teaching, and securing ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) or others who are capable of teaching English in elementary schools. By identifying probable reasons for this difficult situation, the researchers suggest ways to make the situation less complicated and also to empower elementary-school teachers toward this newly introduced program.
- 宮城教育大学の論文
- 「かわいい文化」の背景
- アメリカにおけるクールジャパン現象
- アメリカにおけるクールジャパン現象
- 英会話の授業における外国人・非英語話者教師の意義--宮城県の小学校を中心として
- Using Non-native English Speaking Teachers as a Teaching Resource in Elementary School English Activities.
- 小学校英語活動とコミュニケーション能力についての一考察
- 宮城県における小学校英語活動の実施状況と課題
- 仙台市子ども外国語学習推進協議会の3年間の取り組み : 生涯学習と地域の教育力をめぐって
- 地域ですすめる児童英語教育--仙台市の取り組み
- 米国における高等教育機関認定委員会が行う訪問調査
- 「コミュニケーション能力」を考える : 日本が目指すこれからの英語教育と変わりゆく指導者の役割
- Making a Shift from Structure-based to Communication-based English Teaching
- Making a Shift from Structure-based to Communication-based English Teaching
- 「小学校英語活動」を担う教員の養成に向けて
- Equipping Young Learners with Communicative Competence
- イノベーション普及理論からみる北米のクールジャパン現象