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Recently, a development of the combustor having higher efficiency and being more clean has been required from the viewpoint of environmental problems. In a development process of such a combustor, computer simulation is aneffective method for cost reduction. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is one of the simulation technique of Fluid Dynamics. In recent years, it is attracting a lot of attention in the reason which can reproduce unsteady phenomena. When LES is applied to the flow field with combustion phenomena, it is necessary to give an appropriate combustion model. The flamelet existing in a flow field is affected by hydrodynamic strain. Burning velocity of such stretched flame changes from the value of laminar burning velocity by molecular and thermal diffusion effects. However, the combustion model which can evaluate such an effect adequately is not suggested till now. In this study, a response of burning velocity concerning flame stretch is examined by chemical kinetics computations. Especially, from a point of view of engineering, investigations are performed for premixed flames of hydrogen, methane and propane having the same adiabatic flame temperature. As a result, it is clarified that sensitivities to flame stretch of burning velocity canbe explained approximately with mixture properties and ratio of those. Furthermore, in some mixture conditions, it becomes clear that the critical Lewis number play an important role in estimation of response.
- 津山工業高等専門学校の論文
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