- 論文の詳細を見る
Genetic analysis was described in respect to the segregation of the pigment development factor of ascospore of N. crassa by using the light-coloured ascospore mutant which appeared spontaneously. Segregation of the dark- and light-coloured ascospores in asci has shown a single genic inheritance concerning the pigment development of the ascospore. The postreductive frequency of the pigment development factor was 66.3 per cent (P. value of X^2-test is 0.95〜0.90). The recombination value of the sexual mating type factor and pigment devlopment factor was approximately 52 per cent. Consequently, it may be concluded that the pigment developmnt factor is not linked with the sexual mating type factor but belongs to a different linkage group.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1957-03-30
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