リハビリテーションセラピストに対する顧客の満足度 : フォーカスグループ・インタビュー分析による満足度項目の検討
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Rehabilitation Therapists (RT) such as Physical therapists, Occupational therapists, and Speech therapists, work together as a team to meet their shared consumers' needs. From a view point of RT, those consumers include client and his/her family, home care service providers, and other rehabilitation staff within the same hospitals. It is imperative for RT to know how satisfied their consumers are, in order to provide better quality services as a team. The present study conducted a series of focus group interview with each of these three types of consumers, namely, Client/Family (CF), Home care service providers (HCSP), and Other Rehabilitation Staff (ORT). As a result the qualitative analyses, consumer satisfaction items were derived from each of these three groups ; 5 categories 23 items for CF, 2 categories 11 items for CSP, and 2 categories 9 items for ORT, respectively. Derived satisfaction items can be used as a scale to measure consumer satisfaction towards RT in hospitals for the future studies. The importance of RT teamwork was discussed from the consumer perspectives. Future studies should be conducted to validate the content and the structure of consumer satisfaction items.
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