中国農村地域における地域権力構造の変容 : 小城鎮建設を基軸にして
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This article provides an analysis of the transformation of the community power structure in China's rural areas during the period of reform. Historically, rural areas have had an oligarchic community power structure. The Chinese government, however, has changed its policies and become more open to international society since 1978, which has heightened enormously the social mobility in rural areas. The population movement and the construction of small towns (xiaochengzhen) are typical phenomena of such social mobility. This population movement changed the relationship between urban and rural areas, and the construction of small towns between both areas has promoted social development. These trends produced the factors of plurality within the oligarchic power structure in rural areas. This paper will analyze in detail the population movement and the construction of small towns, which have led to altered the policies on population management ; and clarify, based on the results, a portion of the transformation of the community power structure in rural areas during the period of reform.
- 島根県立大学の論文
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- 中国農村地域における地域権力構造の変容 : 小城鎮建設を基軸にして
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