韓国近代儒教改革運動における近代的思惟の形成 : 西洋・中国・日本の果たした役割
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The history of Korean Confucianism usually reminds us of complicated schools and severe struggles among them. These make us difficult to grasp the total characteristic of that. Especially there are few number of Japanese researchers who have interest in the suddern change of Korean Confucianism in modern era into being religious and also few number of papers which have treated this phenomenon. Korean Confucianism seems to be deeply concerned not to logic but to mind, which is different from Chinese and Japanese Confucianism. Historically the most important matter in Korean Confucianism is a 'mind study' (心学) indispensable to think of the meaning of life. This paper analyzed the genealogical transition of the 'mind study' in Korean Confucianism since 16^<th> century to 19^<th> century, namely from Lee Toe Gye ;李退溪, Lee Song Ho ;李星湖, Chong Yag Yong: 丁若〓and Choi Che Oo ;崔済愚. These famous Korean Confucians of different schools have common interest in mind ;心in their interpretation of Confucian classics. Korea had to generate her own modern identity against Western Impact and Japanese invasion in modern era. Under this situation Korean Confucians rediscover the long tradition of 'mind study'. They managed to create a Korean modern identity through the reexamination of traditional mind study to overcome Western civilization including that of Japan. This big challenge in the world of Korean Confucianism made the Korean Confucianism a very religious one.
- 韓国近代儒教改革運動における近代的思惟の形成 : 西洋・中国・日本の果たした役割
- 近代日本社会における在日朝鮮人の自己認識 : 「文化国家」と「自己のテクノロジー」
- 二つの国家観 : 国家に対する「忠誠心」をめぐる考察
- 山室信一, 『思想課題としてのアジア』, 岩波書店, 2001年刊