時刻別行為者率アプローチの分析論理について : 生活時間構造の比較の論理構築を目指して(第II部 北東アジアの社会経済システム)
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The ordinary time use studies have been exclusively using average hours of activities as a tool for analyzing the structure of daily life of people belonging to various categories of groups such as different nations, genders, age groups, occupations, and so on. But, as the existing approach has such defects that derive from having lost the information of time slots, I have been engaged in developing another new analytical method that employs a table of percentages of persons engaged in activities at every time slots of a day. I call my approach "activity rates approach." On the other hand, I call the existing ordinary approach using average hours of activity "average duration approach." The purpose of this paper is to explain the development of analytical logic of activity rates approach step by step along with the progress of my past researches, so that readers who are not familiar with time use studies can understand the logic of my approach easily. Therefore, the explanation of the first stages of my study is made through showing some private episodes in an essayistic style. As for the other stages, some simple cases are introduced throughout this paper for explaining several analytical ideas that I have acted out in my study. Through examining these cases, we come to know how the analytical logic of activity rates approach has been constructed, and how the variables of old and new approach are interrelated, that is, how the average hours of activities that average duration approach employs and the percentages of persons engaged in activity that activity rates approach uses are internally connected. This helps us find that three elements exist not only in the structure of average hours of an activity, but also in the whole structure of a day organized by all activities. The fact-finding of these three elements serve to judge the extent of similarity of activity style or life style among various categorical groups, and even lead to the comparative study of life styles among nations. I would like to emphasize that this can be made only by using the activity rates approach, and that our new approach is indispensable for advancing the time use study.
- 島根県立大学の論文
- Toward a General Approach to International Comparison of Time Use Data : Canadian White-collar Workers and Japanese White-collar Workers
- 生活時間量表の動態的分析
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- 生活時間研究における「平均時間」再考
- 時刻別行為者率アプローチの分析論理について : 生活時間構造の比較の論理構築を目指して(第II部 北東アジアの社会経済システム)
- 国際生活時間学会(学会報告)