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Centrifugation constitutes an attractive fluidic platform for biochemical analysis equipment due to its simple pumping mechanism and easy implementation with a small amount of liquid. In this paper, two unique features for liquid handling on centrifugal platforms are proposed. One is a liquid-metering structure and the other is for liquid mixing. In the metering structure, a sample liquid volume is defined in the first chamber and undergoes a determined treatment (e.g., centrifugal separation) in it. Then, the metered sample is decanted to the second chamber with the aid of an additional liquid flow, which generates negative pressure (lower than the ambient pressure) to pull the sample into the second chamber. The mixing structure consists of a mixing chamber and an adjacent air chamber connected to each other. Under centrifugal force, the liquid in the mixing chamber intrudes into the air chamber and compresses the air in the air chamber. By decreasing the rotational speed, this compressed air expands and pushes the liquid back to the mixing chamber. Changing the rotational speed repeatedly, the liquid moves between the mixing chamber and the air chamber and is convectively mixed. The design strategies are presented for these two structures, and their basic operations have been confirmed by visualization experiments using dyed liquids.
- 2007-11-25
西嶋 規世
佐々木 重幸
(株)日立製作所, 機械研究所
佐々木 重幸
西嶋 規世
西嶋 規世
長岡 嘉浩
斉藤 充弘
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