診療情報管理職務の品質改善と職能拡張に関する研究 : 医学物理士について
- 論文の詳細を見る
As one of important professionals in practice of medical recording, medical physicist is raised to be the target of research and investigation in Japan. First, present status of medical physicists and job elements related to medical physics done in hospitals in United States, Europe and Australia were scrutinized by literatures. Then, comparison of level, volume and quality between the result of investigation and result of research of job elements done by radiological technologists in Japan was made. Many items of important jobs which wee not fulfilled by Japanese technologists were found, even though the field of research was limited to radiation therapy. Especially, patient's clinical records in the process of cancer treatment were one of the weakest points. The result of assessment, evaluation and validation of quality assurance was found not to be clearly described by technologists in Japan. In United State, reimbursement of medical care done by medical physicists is conducted through health insurances organization such as Medicare based on such patient's records. Difference of education and training was also searched, and the lack of many items in 4 Universities in Japan was found. The one of most remarkable weak points was training item regarding risk management against catastrophic accidents such as unexpected radiation leakage and/or radiation source missing. Also education and training in the field of medical physics in graduated course of school of allied health sciences in universities in Japan is strongly recommended to be carried out.
- 関西国際大学の論文
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- 診療情報管理職務の品質改善と職能拡張に関する研究 : 医学物理士について
- 序文
- 『これからの電子医療情報学』副題 : 電子カルテの実際から医療連携システムの構築まで, 周藤安造・鈴木雅隆/監修, 池田正見・大瀧誠・上野滋・小塚和人・古屋好美・南山貴芳/著, 森北出版, 2005/01, ISBN 4-627-82861-6, A5判, 248頁, 定価(本体 3,400 円+税)
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- 序文
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