モーニング・ワークとしての音楽療法 : 喪失と創作 : song-writingを通して
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Mourning work is designed to treat people who have developed psychological problems due to the loss of a loved one. It facilitates recovery, provides essential aid, and has resulted in many reported successes. Therapy which involves the therapist using music to treat the client is one of its many forms. In this essay I will thoroughly discuss one method of music therapy I researched in case study reports. The therapy involves song-writing in a joint effort between the therapist and the client, and is known to contribute to recovery from grief. People take a considerable blow when they lose an irreplaceable loved one, becoming overwhelmed and coming to a standstill. It is then that the sympathy of a therapist in the form of music composition helps them along the path to recovery.
- 鈴鹿国際大学の論文
- 2007-03-20
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