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In the transformers for high voltage and the high voltage aerial distribution lines, etc., dielectric breakdown countermeasure by the lightning surge becomes an important problem. In high voltage aerial distribution lines, creeping discharges develop along the electric wire surface from free end of binding wire, when lightning surge invades in the central line of wire. And it becomes a cause of disasters such as punch-through breakdown and melting wire. In order to prevent these accidents, the elucidation of the creeping discharge phenomena which develop along the cylinder dielectric surface like electric wire is very important from fundamental point of view. However, the creeping discharge which occurs by the lightning surge is complicated phenomenon. Therefore, the properties of creeping discharge remain largely unknown. In this paper, we report the characteristics of creeping discharge phenomena which develop along the cylinder dielectric surface with cylindric back side electrode applying the lightning impulse voltage. It has been clarified that the developing length and aspect of creeping discharge remarkably differ, when the polarity of the creeping discharge is different.
- 富山高等専門学校の論文
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