静止衛星の軌道解析に関する研究-V : 観測距離と計算距離の残差と気象要素の関係
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It was tried to investigate the relations between meteorological elements and post-fit range residuals for discussing the causes of the 12-hour and 24-hour period fluctuations in post-fit range residuals in orbital analysis of geosynchronous satellites. The results of the investigation are as follows. (1) There is a correlation between 24-hour period fluctuations of residuals and relative humidity variation. (2) A 12-hour period fluctuation of residuals appears clearly, when the relative humidity scarcely changes. (3) There is a correlation between the 12-hour period fluctuations of residuals and tidal generating forces. It was shown that the 12-hour period fluctuations of residuals could be explained only under the assumption that the tracking station moves horizontally with earth crust. It is considered that there are horizontal flows of asthenosphere which are induced by tidal generating forces, and the earth crusts moves horizontally with the flows in the mantle such as ocean currents and tidal currents. It is estimated that the observed range to CS-3b increases by about one meter with 20 percents increase of the relative humidity.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1999-09-25
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