占領期社会教育政策としての芸術文化事業の展開 : 芸術祭を中心に
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This paper aims to clarify the arts policy in Japan soon after the World War II, which has not been focused by the research on social education nor on arts policy. First, after the review of the concept of "cultural pocicy" around 1940, the arts policy in Japan in post-war period is analyzed from three perspectives : Reformation of the Ministry of Education, arts policy of CI&E and cultural activity sprung up all over Japan. They are important factor to promote the reformation of the post-war structure of arts policy in social education. Secondly, Geijutsusai (Arts Festival) held in September 1946. Geijutsusai had the dualistic concept : the rebirth and emancipation from ruined and oppressive Japan, and propaganda against America based on the old moral or patriotism. Geijutsusai shows the complicated character of reformation of social education.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2004-12-25
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