- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to analyze a process of mental attitude to accomplish treatment according to a type, and this study was aimed at examining a method of nursing support. The subjects were 20 uterine cancer patients who did brachytherapy in cancer hospital. I analyzed 12 people who thought that I became theoretical saturation. The data collected by the semi-structured interview and participation observation method. This study analyzed using Modified Grounded Theory Approach. I caught a characteristic of an adaptation process and classified it in a type and examined nursing support. There were there characteristic types for a process of mental preparation to accomplish brachytherapy. I A decision making favorable type (6 patients), II.A decision making unrest type (4 patients), III.A decision making confusion type (2 patients). These results suggest that the nursing support is important. I type : A nurse watches it warmly. II type : A nurse fixes the support system, and it is to let a patient feel relieved. III type : A nurse be concerned in a receptive manner slowly and carefully.
- 足利短期大学の論文
- 2007-03-01
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