筋電図による着脱時の動作適応性評価 : 重ね着における素材間摩擦を要因として
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The following are the evaluation results of motion adaptability when examinees put on and take off layered jackets with different frictional values between materials. These results were evaluated against Electromyogram (EMG), motion time, and sensory evaluation. 1) The different attachments of jackets linings affected muscle activity during dressing/undressing. In particular, sleeve linings were effective in reducing muscle loads during dressing/undressing. 2) Different innerwear materials affected muscle activity during dressing/undressing. In general, the muscle activity was more affected by the difference in innerwear than by the attachment of jackets linings. 3) Estimated friction coefficients of layered clothing and integrated EMG (iEMG) of dressing/undressing motions showed a positive correlation. Due to high friction, change in movements and a reduction in muscle activity were also observed during undressing. 4) The amount of muscle activity during dressing was more than that during undressing. 5) The dressing conditions had a uniform effect on motion times, sensory evaluations, and EMG. Although the motion times and sensory evaluations could not detect slight differences in friction. the EMG could detect a difference.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2007-09-15
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