明治前期東京における中等教育の趨勢 : 伝統学知から近代学知へ
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This paper probes which kinds of educational institutions developed from schools in the miscellaneous category into junior high schools by analyzing the current of secondary education in the early years of the Meiji Era Tokyo. In the first decade of the Meiji Era, private schools teaching the study of Chinese classics were predominant over those giving Western study. However, the trend gradually turned from the former ("classical knowledge") to the latter ("modern knowledge"), as national institutions of higher education attached importance to modern knowledge in their entrance examination. In this situation some schools that offered modern knowledge and preparatory education for the entrance examinations developed into junior high school. And many aspirants desiring social success left their hometowns for Tokyo, especially such the schools, to acquire the knowledge. In conclusion this paper proposed that the strong point of the schools played a key role as centripetal force of modem Tokyo
- 東京大学の論文
- 2006-03-10
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- 明治前期東京における中等教育の趨勢 : 伝統学知から近代学知へ
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