- 論文の詳細を見る
The field of ocean surface waves can be expressed as a superposition of infinite number of wavetrains which have different wave-lengths and directions of propagation. These wavetrains, not just propagating independently, interact with each other through the nonlinearity of the free surface boundary conditions, thus producing a physical situation often called "wave turbulence" or "weak turbulence". Owing to the recent advances in computing facilities as well as numerical methods, large-scale direct numerical simulations of water wave turbulence based on the primitive governing equations are now becoming possible. Among many other applications, this advance would make it possible to assess the validity of those basic assumptions and hypotheses on which the traditional statistical theories have been build. Considering the current situation as above, a review on numerical methods which can be used for large-scale direct numerical simulations of water wave turbulence will be given. Some applications of those methods are also presented briefly.
- 日本応用数理学会の論文
- 2007-06-26
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