- 論文の詳細を見る
Notwithstanding huge geothermal resource potentials in Japan and a variety of advantages of geothermal power such as the domestic, renewable, clean and stable characteristics, Japanese geothermal market has faced a crucial withering, since geothermal energy was excluded from the category of "new energy" in 1997. This Government's retreat might have partly been due to the obstacles of geothermal developments specified in Japan: the restriction in the National Parks, friction with pre-existing numerous hot spring spas, long lead time by legislation and regulation, and high initial cost of geothermal power integrating all of them. However, the present geothermal energy policy in Japan is an exceptional case in the world, where efforts of geothermal utilizations are spreading even over less-potential geothermal resource countries. Only recently, indications of reinforcing geothermal energy has appeared in Japan: the positive discussion for geothermal energy to be revived into "new energy", active international geothermal cooperation, spreading of direct geothermal use and initiation of low-temperature power generations using hot springs. These efforts will reactivate the Japanese geothermal market in the near future.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
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