- 論文の詳細を見る
This thesis is a study to investigate day care programs. Over the past few decades, a considerable number of studies have been conducted on day care. However,the therapeutic structure of such programs have not yet been established. Therefore, I want to consider the present conditions of programs and want to clarify the therapeutic structure of day care. We carried out a questionnaire for day care in the Kanto Koshinetsu district from February to March 2005. From the results, a characteristic of day care became clear. Seventy percent of members had integration dysfunction syndrome, but in later years, other diseases increased, too. In addition, at the day care which there is from old days, prolongation of the use of members was seen. The current situation is that social participation is insufficient. The staff feel that the work force is insufficient. We will describe the programs next. The contents of programs are decided by various factors. The demands of members, sex, age, and hobbies affected became clear. As a result, programs became various. On the other hand, there is the problem of insufficient staff. Also, there is the current situation evaluations of programs are not carried out enough. Programs are a key to clarifying the therapeutic structure of day care. A further direction of this study will be to provide more evidence for this result.
- 順天堂大学の論文
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