- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined applicability of highly non-equilibrium states in a polymer glass to its cold working. To study the cold-workability of a polymer glass, we first deformed poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) in uniaxial compression up to the yield point at 30℃ to have its highly non-equilibrium state and subsequently stretched it. The tensile fracture strain of such PMMA specimens was nearly ten times as large as that for specimens simply stretched without pre-compression. When the specimens compressed up to the yield point (ε_c = 0.2) were left under the strained state for various time periods, the tensile fracture strain increased with length of the time period. The pre-compression up to the yield point was confirmed as a quite effective procedure for cold working of brittle plastics.
- 2005-09-15
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