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It is necessary to clarify the characteristics of the turbulent wake behind a body with flow separation in the light of engineering application. In spite of the practical significance of such wake flows, however, fundamental mechanism of the wake flow with separation has been unsolved due to its complexity. So far authors have shown that the development of the mean flow and fluctuating velocity field behind a thick flat plate are different from that of the flat plate with a thin trailing edge. While, the influence of the splitter plate fitted to the trailing edge along the wake center line on the development of the turbulent wake is unknown. With this aim the present experiments were conducted with splitter plate as a flow control device. The development of the turbulent wake with longer splitter plate fitted to the trailing edge of the flat plate resembles to that of the flat plate with a thin trailing edge, which has no flow separation. Increasing the length of the splitter plate, turbulent intensity and Reynolds shear stress decrease in the near wake region.
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