A04 磁力支持天秤装置における非定常空気力計測のためのシステム同定(OS9-2 磁気軸受・磁気浮上I)
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System identification results of a magnetic suspension and balance system (MSBS) are presented in this study. A model to describe the system behaviors is a linearized equation of motion of the MSBS. Conventionally, unsteady aerodynamic forces have been estimated using the equation of motion and individually measured model parameters, however, it has not been confirmed the validity of the model in detail. In the study, the model parameters are identified from experimental data, and it is confirmed the linearized equation of motion with the identified parameters is valid for simulation of the model behavior and measurement of unsteady aerodynamic forces.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-08-22
須田 信一
独立行政法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構 総合技術研究開発本部 空気力学研究グループ 先進空力実験セクション
澤田 秀夫
宇宙航空研究開発機構 総合技術研究本部 空気力学研究g先進空力実験s
須田 信一
澤田 秀夫
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