歯周炎患者における免疫担当細胞の検索 : Tリンパ球,Bリンパ球,Fcレセプター保有細胞について
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Immunocompetent cells in human chronic inflamed gingiva were characterized on the tissue sections and in the eluates. On tissue sections, immunoglobulin bearing cells were detected by direct immunofluorescence with FITC conjugated F (ab')_2 fragment anti-human IgG, IgA, or IgM. IgG-bearing cells were predominant throughout the connective tissue. In the central lamina, IgG was found in 65.2±9.5% (mean±SD), IgA in 11.2±1.1%, and IgM in 1.3±1.1% of the mononuclear infiltrating cells. Many immunoglobulin negative lymphocytes were also found beneath the pocket lining epithelium. These cells were determined to be T lymphocytes by immunofluorescence using monoclonal anti-human T-cell antibody (Leu-1). The proportion of T lymphocytes to monounclear infiltrating cells was 29.3±10.0% beneath the pocket epithelium, but was 2.6±0.7% at the central lamina propria. Macrophages were also detected beneath the pocket epithelium by staining with nonspecific esterase (α-naphtylbutyrate esterase). IgG・FcR-bearing cells were shown in the connective tissue by EA rosettes formation and PAP method. The gingival tissue suspension was obtained from inflamed gingiva by mechanical mince and enzymatic digestion with collagenase, hyaluronidase, and DNase. In the cell suspension, T-cells were detected by E rosettes, FcR-bearing cells by EA rosettes, and T_γ and T_μ cells by mixed rosettes assay. T-cells were found in 35.3±6.0%, FcR-bearing cells in 30.0±14.9% of the round shaped nuclear cells. T_γ and T_μ cells were found in 6.9±4.6 and 44.7±4.9% of the T-cells, respectively. The percentage of T_γ cells in T-cells was significantly lower in the eluates than in the peripheral blood. Macrophage like cells were found in 12.9±4.4% of the nuclear cells, and in 29.1±16.1% of the FcR-bearing cells. The present results suggest that chronic periodontitis in adult human may be compound lesion of T and B-cells.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1982-03-28
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- 8.ヒト炎症性歯肉組織におけるFcレセプター陽性細胞の検索(第2報)(一般講演要旨,第24回 春季日本歯周病学会)
- 9.ヒト炎症性歯肉浸潤細胞の抗体依存性細胞障害(ADCC)(一般講演要旨,第23回 秋季日本歯周病学会)
- 7.ヒト炎症性歯肉組織におけるFcレセプター陽性細胞の検索(一般講演要旨,第23回 秋季日本歯周病学会)
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- A-29. Actinomyces viscosus T 14V株の多クローン性B細胞活性化の発現機構の解析
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- 歯周炎患者における免疫担当細胞の検索 : Tリンパ球,Bリンパ球,Fcレセプター保有細胞について