東京都における自殺者の動機とその要因に関する一考察 : 1984年〜1990年の7年間の自殺者を中心に
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This paper attempts to analyze motivations and the factors of the 9,250 people who committed suicide from 1984 to 1990, in Tokyo metropolitan area. The data of suicides were collected from Tokyo medical examiner's office. And we analyzed the data into disease factors, social related factors and economic factors. As a result of the analysis, we can get the following conclusions. 1. Over 60% of the suicides were committed from disease factors. Mental factors were more ovious than physical factors. 2. Analysis of the factors indicated that elderly women without occupation tended to commit suicide related disease factors. 3. People who commit suicide related disease factors tendency to choose how to die an early death as suicides by hanging. 4. The number of suicide committed at home is decreasing. 5. Suicides for disease factor are committed to be the daytime.
- 日本赤十字看護大学の論文
- 2001-03-10
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- 東京都における自殺者の動機とその要因に関する一考察 : 1984年〜1990年の7年間の自殺者を中心に
- 資料 東京都における自殺者の動機とその要因に関する一考察--1984年〜1990年の7年間の自殺者を中心に
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