1P297 Direct observation of T7 RNA polymerase rotation during transcription.(9. Molecular motor (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本生物物理学会の論文
- 2006-10-01
The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Sasuga Yasuhiro
Hayashi Masahito
The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Hayashi Masahito
Kanagawa Academy Of Science And Technolgoy
Kato Yuko
The Tokyo Metropol. Inst. of Med. Sci.
Yokota Hiroaki
The Tokyo Metropol. Inst. of Med. Sci.
Terada Kayoko
The Tokyo Metropol. Inst. of Med. Sci.
Sasuga Yasuhiro
The Tokyo Metropol. Inst. of Med. Sci.
Yokota Hiroaki
Institute For Integrated Cell-material Science Kyoto University
Terada Kayoko
The Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Of Med. Sci.:crest Jst
Harada Yoshie
Institute For Integrated Cell-material Science Kyoto University
Harada Yoshie
Institute For Integrated Cell-material Sciences Kyoto University
Harada Yoshie
Ries Univ Of Hokkaido
Sasuga Yasuhiro
Crest Jst
Sasuga Yasuhiro
The Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Of Med. Sci.:crest Jst
Harada Yoshie
Lab. Of Nanobiology Icems Kyoto Univ.
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