1327 めっき厚さが疲労強度に及ぼす影響(S21-3 表面改質処理,S21 金属材料の疲労特性と破壊機構)
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This paper describes the estimate method of the effect of plating thickness on the fatigue strength of galvanized steel. We carried out fatigue tests of High-Tensile Steel HT80 that we made hot-dip or electricity galvanizing on. As a result, the fatigue strength did not depend on form of the galvanizing layer and confirmed that the fatigue strength was in inverse proportion to the plating thickness. And these fatigue strength understood that they almost agreed with estimated fatigue strength by fracture mechanics analysis using "intrinsic crack model" by grinding plating thickness with an initial defect. Based on this result, we suggested technique to evaluate fatigue strength of galvanized steel from hardness of the base metal.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-09-18
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