阿武隈川の水質特性(第2報) : 高水位(豪雨時)と低水位(平常時)の水質特性
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(1) The pH value of the main stream was between 7.0 and 7.2 in a heavy rain time, 2003. It is 7.2〜7.4 in the low water level, 2004, which is weak alkaline, At the point No. 37 in Fukushima City, a large pH change can be observed. It was 7.0 in 2003, but is 7.8 in 2004. The pH value of the tributaries sometimes shows acidity because of hot spring water. (2) The electrical conductivity was lower than 100μ℧/cm in 2003, this time, it is higher than 100μ℧/cm. The electric conduction of the tributaries shows higher values than those in 2003. (3) The Cl^- content of the main stream shows the higher percentages than that in 2003. It shows the high figures in the tributaries. (4) The Na^+ content also becomes higher percentage in 2004 than those in 2003. (5) The amount of Ca^<2+> in 2004 shows three or five times as much as those in 2003. In particular, it shows high percentage in the urban area and the tributaries fed by the hot spring water. (6) The Mg^<2+> content shows low percentages in both of the years. There is a marked tendency to be higher percentatge in the urban area (7) The amounts of K^+ in 2004 is about two times as much as those in 2003, both in the mainstream and the tributaries. (8) The contents of NH_<4->N and PO_4^<3-> become high percentages than those in the preceding year, in particular, in the urban district, Fukushima city, Nihonmats city and Koriyama city. (9) The loads of contents decrease in comparison with those in 2003. The load of Cl^- changes from 1/4 to 1/7 in 2004; than of Na^+, from 1/4 to 1/5; that of Ca^<2+>, from 1/2 to 1/4; and that of Mg^<2+>, from 1/6 to 1/14.
- 茨城キリスト教大学の論文
- 2005-12-25
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