二成分混合蒸気の凝縮における気相境界層の代表物性値 : I 層流強制対流凝縮の場合
- 論文の詳細を見る
The two-phase boundary layer equations for forced-convection condensation of binary vapor mixtures air-water and ethanol-water are numerically solved under the assumption that the physical properties in the vapor phase depend on mass concentration and temperature and those in the condensate film are constant. The results for wall heat flux and concentration mass flux agree well with the solutions of the author's algebraic equations when the physical properties are evaluated at the arithmetic mean of the mass concentration at the vapor-liquid interface and the bulk and the corresponding saturation temperature, or evaluated at the arithmetic means of the mass concentration and temperature at the vapor-liquid interface and the bulk, and agree with the arithmetic mean values of the wall heat flux and concentration mass flux which are solved by using the physical properties evaluated at the vapor-liquid interface and the bulk.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1992-03-31
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