亜臨界域の平板上での層流膜状凝縮 : 体積力対流凝縮
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This paper treats laminar film condensation of vapours in the subcritical region. The similarity solusions for gravity controlled condensation of pure vapours of water and carbon dioxide on a vertical plate are numerically obtained. The effects of small latent heat, low ρ-μ ratio and high Prandtl number on the boundary values, temperature distribution in the liquid film and velocity distribution in the boundary layer are revealed. The dimensionless expressions for the heat transfer coefficient and the condensate mass flux are derived, which contain the characteristics of Nusselt's theory as a special case. When the reduced temperature of the vapour approaches unity and the temperature difference between vapour and wall is large, the effect of the convection term in the liquid film appears markedly and the heat transfer coefficient becomes independent of H, but depends on Gr_<Lx> and Pr_<L>.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1987-06-25
- 海底資源メタンハイドレート回収システムの最適化研究 : メタンハイドレート分解速度に関する基礎検討(流体工学,流体機械)
- 2-3.深海底資源メタンハイドレードの回収に関する流体力学基礎研究((1)メタンハイドレートI,Session 2 天然ガス・メタンハイドレート等)
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