- 論文の詳細を見る
A series of preventive management, consisting of the caries prevention program, treatment, and regular check-up for 208 adult patients, was practiced, and evaluated to clarify the effect of the prevention program. As a result, the plaque control record (PCR) has been significantly improved by the preventive program. The risk of saliva buffer (BF), the amount of saliva secretion and lactobacilli (LB) have been significantly improved by treatment. But mutans streptococci (SM) showed no difference significantly. Compared to before starting the preventive treatment, the group that was continuing for three years of check-ups after treatment showed a significantly improved the risk of BF and PCR. After three years of regular check-ups, SM and LB in the caries group were significantly higher than those in the non-caries group, though the two groups showed no difference before starting the preventive program. Individual patients' risk is understood by using the risk test according to these effects. It was suggested that the monitoring of the results of the risk test after treatment as well as in the regular check-up and before the preventive program are needed for the possibility of contributing to adults' caries preventive management.
- 岩手医科大学歯学会の論文
- 2006-12-20
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